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Thursday Apr 14, 2022
ECG Education: Where Are We and Where Do We Go?
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
ECG Education: Where Are We and Where Do We Go?
Guest: Nandan S. Anavekar, M.B., B.Ch. (@nandananavekar)
Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.
Despite the clinical importance and broad use of the electrocardiogram (ECG), ECG literacy is uncommon among medical providers. Why is ECG competency uncommon? Does the lack of ECG literacy have unintended consequences? How can education in the art of the ECG be revitalized?
Joining us today to discuss ECG competency is Nandan S. Anavekar, M.B., B.Ch., Cardiovascular Medicine and Radiology, at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Specific topics discussed:
- Anavekar's experience learning ECG skills
- Training and reviews that make Dr. Anavekar's skills "stick" — a work in progress
- Disconnect between perceived and actual ECG competency among general medical professionals
- Impact of computerized interpretation of ECG on provider competency
- Recommended improvements in early training for ECG interpretation
- Thoughts on the delivery, assessment and measurement of competency
- Career and personal advice for medical learners
Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
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No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.